Mar 27, 2022One of the most common questions I am asked is, how can I build more strength to do _________ [fill in the gap]?
And while some postures definitely require a strong core, strong legs or strong arms, lots of times we actually don't necessarily need to work on building more strength, rather, quite simply practice more 🙃
I personally didn't just wake up one morning and be able to do a crow pose. But I also didn't do anything specific to build more strength to be able to do it. I practiced crow pose every day until one day I got it! So if you're looking to build more strength in your practice, it's often a simple as being consistent and committed in your approach and the results will follow.
There are, however, a few strength building postures that I personally love when I want to spice up my practice 🌶
My 5 fave postures to build more strength:
Navasana (Boat pose)
Boat pose strengthens not only your core but also your hip flexors, adductors (groin) and your lower back muscles. While the full expression is with your legs fully extended, there are plenty of variations to help work your way towards that. Try holding on to your legs behind the knees while keeping your shinbones parallel to the ground. Over time you can slowly work on straightening your legs.
Vasisthasana (Side Plank)
Side Plank is a powerful pose to strengthen your arms and wrists, which is essential for so many other asanas. Don't worry if you're shaking when holding Side Plank, that means you're doing it right! Those shakes and discomfort will help you to not only build physical strength but also encourage willpower and discipline. Rather than focusing on the weight you're trying to hold on one arm, try to think about lifting your hip and side body up and gaze towards the sky! If you need a regression, step your top leg half way in front of the body for extra support.
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2)
Warrior two is one of my favourite postures for building strength in the legs, core, and shoulders. I love holding it for a longer breath count and really focusing my eye gaze (dristhi) toward my front hand. This helps me increase focus and stamina. No matter if you're a beginner or more advanced practitioner, there are so many benefits to reap from this posture. Try to become more aware of the physical and mental sensations you feel when holding Warrior 2 for an extended period of time. Notice if you want to release the posture because of a physical need or a psychological want. It's called warrior for a reason.... 💪🏽
Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3)
This is one of the hardest postures to 'master', if you ask me! Warrior 3 requires concentration, stamina and a careful balance between contraction and expansion. Focus first on contracting your core, pulling your ribs in and rooting down toward the earth with your standing leg. The begin extending from your raised leg's toes all the way to your fingertips, all while keeping your hips square! There is a lot going on in Warrior 3, making it an excellent pose to work on your balance and to strengthen the legs, ankles and core.
Dolphin Pose
If there's one posture I'd suggest you do to build strength for inversions such as headstand or forearm stand, it would be Dolphin pose. Inversions not only require strength and flexibility, but also confidence about going upside-down. If you're working on inversions, Dolphin pose will become your best friend. Dolphin both opens and strengthens the upper body, while getting used to the idea of bearing weight on your hands, arms and upper body. Incorporate Dolphin Pose in your practice regularly and hold for 10-15 breaths, then release your knees to the floor and sit back on your heels.
Final Thoughts
There are of course many more postures that will help you build strength in your practice (hello chair pose I'm looking at you 🥵), so don't get too caught up doing boat poses all day, every day 😉
If you're looking to spice up your practice, add these 5 postures and watch your overall physical and mental strength evolve. As always, be kind to your body and enjoy your practice. It's just Yoga!
Lots of love,
Christine x